Minggu, 01 April 2012


NPM : 25209851
KELAS : 3 EB 18
DOSEN : Bu Anggi
Membuat Kalimat dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense, Present Continous, Future Tense, dan Past Tense.
Simple Present Tense
1) Putra studies english in Gunadarma University everyday.
2) My mother doesn’t cook any Chicken Soup today.
3) Dedy plays the drum every week in a studio.
4) Putra reads an accountancy book in Library.
5) Wayne Rooney eats a lot of Pizza in Pizza Hut Restaurant today.
6) Putra works at Laboratorium Akuntansi Lanjut Gunadarma University every week.
7) Putra and his friends watch Negeri 5 Menara movie today in Cinema.
8) I do some exercises for final examination tonight.
9) We dont play football everyday but every week in Senayan Stadium.
10) They dont play a football but play basket ball in Gunadarma Sport Center.
Present Continous Tense
1) Putra is Studying english in Gunadarma University at the moment.
2) My Mother is Cooking Chicken Soup for lunch now.
3) Dedy is playing the drum now in a studio.
4) Putra is reading an accountancy book in library now.
5) Wayne Rooney is eating a lot of pizza in Pizza Hut Restaurant at the moment.
6) Putra is working at Laboratorium Akuntansi Lanjut Gunadarma at the moment.
7) Putra and his friends are watching Negeri 5 Menara movie now in Cinema.
8) I am doing some exercises for final examination now.
9) We are playing football in Senayan Stadium at the moment.
10) They are not playing football but playing basket ball in Gunadarma Sport Center.
Future Tense
1) Putra will study english in Gunadarma University tomorrow.
2) My mother will cook chicken soup for lunch tomorrow.
3) Dedy will play the drum ia a studio next week.
4) Putra will read an accountancy book in library two days later.
5) Wayne Rooney will eat a lot of pizza in Pizza Hut Restaurant tomorrow.
6) Putra will work at Laboratorium Akuntansi Lanjut Gunadarma next week.
7) Putra and his friends will watch Negeri 5 Menara movie in Cinema next week.
8) I will do some exercises for final examination tomorrow.
9) We will play footbal in Senayan Stadium next month.
10) They will not play football in Gunadarma Sport Center.

Past Tense
1) Putra Studied english in Gunadarma University yesterday.
2) My Mother cooked Chicken Soup for lunch last week.
3) Dedy played the drum in a studio yesterday.
4) Putra read an accountancy book in library two days ago.
5) Wayne Rooney ate a lot of pizza in Pizza Hut Restaurant last week.
6) Putra worked at Laboratorium Akuntansi Lanjut Gunadarma last year.
7) Putra and his friends watched Negeri 5 Menara movie now in Cinema last week.
8) I did some exercises for final examination yesterday
9) We played football in Senayan Stadium last year.
10) They didn’t play football in Gunadarma Sport Center last month.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
